Partnering in your Faith Journey
Faith Formation
First Lutheran Church would love to be part of your faith journey as we come together to learn more about God at all ages and stages of our lives.
Check out our Happening Now page highlighting previous events!
Confirmation Ministry
Confirmation Ministry for middle school students is held Sunday mornings at 8:30 during the school year. Students are working their way through important stories of the Old Testament, the Lord’s Prayer, and other foundations of their growing faith.

Youth Involvement
We love having youth of all ages involved in the ministries of our church. Recently, they have served the Shrove Tuesday pancake supper and helped younger students at Vacation Bible School. Our children participate in the children’s message every Sunday, and they help bring groceries forward during our Bury the Altar food drive. They truly shine at Christmas time when they put on a well-done Christmas program each year.
Vacation Bible School
2024 was Operation Restoration: Mending God’s World. Children from several congregations attended this ecumenical week of fun. Ina Heidemann taught us about helping people who need a dry place to sleep by weaving mats from plastic sacks. Sharon Anderson brought retired therapy dog Charlie, who helped comfort those who were sick. Students sang, played, acted out stories, and made everything from flatbread to sock puppets.

Women of the ELCA
Women of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church of America) meet for small group Bible Study fellowship and support at various times each month.
Small Groups
Small Group meetings for topical Bible study are scheduled throughout the church year. Recent book studies include Stranger God and Love Does.
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministry training is held for those who want to learn more about supporting our neighbors who need a listening ear.
Family Fellowship
Family Fellowship activities are held from time to time- crafting and podcasting, painting night, trivia night- these intergenerational special events help connect members of our congregation.